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Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy - PEMF

Biomedical One is a complete PEMF Device

One purchase for all treatments: When you buy the Biomedical One in comes with two applicators which can be used for the majority of the body

Low, medium & high intensity: All in one controller - magnetic field intensity ranges from 10 to 100 Gauss, far more effective than comparable devices.

Versatile applicators: Additional options like mattresses and pillows for longer term wellbeing uses.

Multifunctional design: Functions as both a full-body therapy mat and a localized treatment device.
User-friendly Interface: Simple, easy-to-use programs for seamless operation.

Verified review

"I have experienced a PEMF treatment on a sports ankle injury and I was very impressed. This treatment allowed a full recovery and I was able to resume running & sports with no recurrent pain whatsoever. Fabulous and I would highly recommend this treatment."

Kat. T. Trustpilot


  • Biomedical ONE plus a single packable mattress
  • Reduces Pain and Inflammation: Alleviates chronic pain and swelling.
  • Promotes Healing: Speeds up recovery from injuries.
  • Enhances Circulation: Improves blood flow and nutrient delivery.
  • Boosts Energy Levels: Increases vitality and overall well-being.
  • Effective for Various Conditions: Helps with chronic pain, arthritis, sports injuries, and more.
  • Non-Invasive and Safe: Backed by extensive research, tailored to individual needs.
  • Natural Health Approach: Supports your journey to better health and wellness.


Conditions Treated by PEMF Therapy


PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy is a versatile and non-invasive treatment that has been shown to be effective in managing a wide range of conditions. Here are some of the conditions that can benefit from PEMF therapy:

Arthritis and Arthrosis

PEMF therapy helps alleviate the pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and arthrosis, enhancing joint mobility and reducing stiffness.


Articular Pain and Joint Inflammation

By improving blood circulation and reducing inflammation, PEMF therapy provides significant relief from articular pain and joint inflammation, promoting faster healing.


Bursitis and Tendinitis

PEMF therapy reduces swelling and pain in conditions like bursitis and tendinitis by modulating inflammatory responses and enhancing tissue repair.


Cervical Arthrosis and Cervicalgia

For those suffering from cervical arthrosis and cervicalgia, PEMF therapy can relieve neck pain and improve cervical spine mobility.


Chondrite and Patellar Chondropathy

PEMF therapy supports the healing of cartilage injuries, making it effective for conditions such as chondrite and patellar chondropathy.


Coxoarthrosis and Gonoarthrosis

PEMF therapy helps manage hip and knee joint degeneration, reducing pain and improving function in conditions like coxoarthrosis and gonoarthrosis.


Discopathies and Vertebral Pain

By enhancing cellular repair and reducing inflammation, PEMF therapy can alleviate pain and improve function in discopathies and other vertebral pain conditions.


Enthesitis and Epicondylitis

PEMF therapy helps reduce pain and inflammation in enthesitis and epicondylitis (tennis elbow), promoting faster recovery and better function.


Fractures and Pseudoarthrosis

PEMF therapy accelerates the healing of bone fractures and supports the treatment of pseudoarthrosis (non-union of fractures), enhancing bone regeneration.


Heel Pain and Plantar Fasciitis

PEMF therapy provides effective pain relief for heel pain and plantar fasciitis by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair.


Limb Neuralgia and Sciatica

By modulating nerve function and reducing inflammation, PEMF therapy can alleviate the pain and discomfort associated with limb neuralgia and sciatica.


Lumbago and Lombosciatalgia

PEMF therapy helps relieve lower back pain and sciatica (lumbago and lombosciatalgia), improving mobility and reducing discomfort.


Luxations and Sprains

PEMF therapy accelerates the healing of luxations (dislocations) and sprains by reducing swelling and enhancing tissue repair.


Muscular Pain and Spasms

PEMF therapy is effective in reducing muscular pain and spasms, promoting relaxation and enhancing muscle recovery.


Osteoporosis and Rheumatic Diseases

PEMF therapy supports bone health, making it beneficial for managing osteoporosis and various rheumatic diseases by enhancing bone density and reducing inflammation.


Tendinopathy and Tenosynovitis

PEMF therapy helps manage tendinopathy and tenosynovitis by reducing pain and inflammation, promoting tendon health and function.


PEMF therapy is a powerful tool in the management of these and many other conditions, offering a natural and effective approach to pain relief, inflammation reduction, and tissue regeneration.


PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) therapy works by delivering electromagnetic pulses to the body, which interact with cells and tissues to stimulate healing processes. The fundamentals of PEMF therapy involve using specific frequencies and intensities to penetrate tissues and promote cellular function. These electromagnetic pulses enhance the movement of ions and electrolytes, improving cellular energy and function. By boosting blood circulation, oxygenation, and nutrient uptake, PEMF therapy accelerates tissue repair and reduces inflammation. It is based on the principle that every cell in the body produces an electromagnetic field, and external PEMF can enhance the body's natural healing mechanisms, leading to improved health and well-being.


PEMF is a preventive, curative, and rehabilitative physical therapy that uses low-frequency, low-intensity pulsed magnetic fields. Its effects include:

PEMF stimulates cellular repair and regeneration by using low-frequency, low-intensity pulsed magnetic fields. These fields enhance the movement of ions and electrolytes, boosting cellular energy and function. 


PEMF reduces inflammation by affecting the migration and activity of inflammatory cells. The pulsed magnetic fields modulate the production of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators, decreasing swelling and redness. 

The anti-edemic properties of PEMF help reduce fluid retention and swelling in tissues. The therapy improves lymphatic drainage and blood circulation, which helps to clear excess fluids from the affected areas. 


Pain Relief
PEMF provides pain relief by modulating nerve signals and reducing muscle spasms. The pulsed magnetic fields influence the production of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, and inhibit pain signals in the nervous system. 

JULY 2024

"This treatment allowed a full recovery and I was able to resume running & sports"


Trock DH. Electromagnetic fields and magnets: investigational treatment for musculoskeletal disorders. Rheum Dis Clin North Am. 2000.

Hannemann PF, et al. The clinical and radiological outcome of pulsed electromagnetic fields for acute scaphoid fractures: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled multicenter trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012.

Markov MS. Expanding use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapies. Electromagn Biol Med. 2007.

Nelson FR, et al. The use of pulsed electromagnetic fields to treat osteoarthritis. Biol Ther. 2013.

Petrofsky JS, et al. The effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on edema and inflammation in second degree ankle sprains--a double blind study. Pain Manag. 2012.

Thumm S, et al. Electromagnetic fields in sports medicine. In: Electromagnetic Fields in Biology and Medicine. 2015.

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